Marathon Runners Diary

Marathon dates and running advice

So, you want to run a marathon? Running a marathon is one the most rewarding experiences, but it is no easy feat. First you need to choose a race. With over 100 marathons in the UK alone there are many to choose from. Then you have to start training. This involves everything from buying essential kit to eating the appropriate diet, taking part in pre-marathon races and avoiding injury.

Marathons and other races
Find a marathon that you want to run. With hundreds to choose from it shouldn't be difficult to find one that suits you.

Apply to one of the many UK marathons. Alternatively, you could venture overseas and enjoy a European marathon. You may even want to run in an American marathon or any one of many other international marathon races. And don't forget about shorter races - all good fun, and ideal for the marathon training.

Popular races this month include the Belfast Marathon, Copenhagen Marathon and Calgary Marathon.

Marathon Training
Some training advice and suggestions for running. For budding runners and those used to marathons.

Running Gear
Running a marathon requires that you wear the correct kit - shoes, socks, running top, running tights, shorts, etc. Choosing the right gear will ensure you avoid injury and enjoy your training.

Marathon Fitness
Running marathons requires a good degree of health. Staying free of injury and maintaining a good diet are essential for achieving best results.

Marathon News
Keep up with the latest news from popular marathons and other races.
13 March 2018 : Kathrine Switzer to run the London Marathon. Read more...

Popular Marathons