February 2026
Start Time : TBC
Number of Places : TBC
The Midwinter Marathon of Apeldoorn, or as its best known as 'Midwintermarathon' is a cold, but enjoyable series of races through the Dutch town of Apeldoorn.
The longest of these races is the Centraal Beheer Marathon.
Centraal Beheer Marathon Route
The full marathon course follows a hilly trail course through forest inhabited by red deer and wild boar.
Numbers are limited to 500, and it is promoted as an experience rather than a competitive event.
Centraal Beheer Marathon Entry
* Entry Fee : TBC
* Registration Deadline : TBC
Contact Details
Contact : Race Director
Address : Postbus 20002, 7302 HA Apeldoorn
Email : contact@midwintermarathon.nl
Website : https://www.midwintermarathon.nl/en/
Further Information
* Cut-off time : Runners will be expected to finish within 5:30 hours.