April 2023
Start Time : Whenever the weather is good enough.
Number of Places : Up to 50+ runners are expected.
The North Pole Marathon is described by some as "the running experience of a lifetime", racing on top of the world.
North Pole Marathon Route
The North Pole Marathon is the only marathon run on water. Participants run on Arctic ice floes, with as little as 6 feet separating them from
the icy Arctic Ocean.
North Pole Marathon Entry
* Entry Fee : TBC
* Registration Deadline : TBC
Contact Details
Contact : Richard Donovan
Address : Polar Running Adventures, 95 Rosan Glas, Rahoon Road, Galway - Ireland
Tel. : + 353-91-516644
Email : rd@npmarathon.com
Website : https://www.npmarathon.com
Further Information
* Travel to North Pole : Runners will fly return from Svalbard in Norway to the North Pole.
* Accommodation : Polar Running Adventures will provide accommodation for athletes while at the North Pole.