Stavanger Marathon

August 2025

Start Time : TBC
Number of Places : TBC

The Stavanger Marathon is a well-organised event with a great atmosphere. It is part of an event also offering a half marathon, marathon relay, 5K and Children's run.

Stavanger Marathon Route
Runners start and finish in the city centre, outside Stavanger Cathedral. The course follows a one lap route, around the 3 lakes, and along both Hafrsfjord and Gandsfjorden. About half the course is on tarmac, with the remainder on packed gravel.

Stavanger Marathon Entry
* Entry Fee : TBC
* Registration Deadline : TBC

Contact Details
Contact : Race Director
Address : GTI Friidrettsklubb, PO Box 478, 4002 Stavanger, Norway
Website :

Contact Details
* Cut-off Time : Runners will be expected to finish within 6 hours.