Danang International Marathon

March 2026

Start Time : TBC
Number of Places : TBC

The Danang International Marathon is one of Vietnam's longest-running and largest international marathons. There is also a Danang Half Marathon and a Danang 10K.

Danang International Marathon Route
Runners follow a stunning coastal route through the country's most livable city, Da Nang, rich in cultural experiences, vibrant atmosphere and friendly locals. As well as experiencing the Da Nang Beach (voted one of the best in the world), they pass over the iconic bridges of Da Nang City and will enjoy a peaceful sunrise and incomparable landscapes.

Danang International Marathon Entry
* Vietnamese Runners : TBC
* International Runners : TBC
* Registration Deadline : TBC

Contact Information
Contact : Race Director
Tel. : +84 702816165
Email : info@pulse.vn
Website : https://www.rundanang.com

Further Information
* Cut-off Time : Runners will be expected to finish within 7 hours.