20 April 2025
Start Time : 9:30 a.m.
Number of Places : 1,500
The JinShanLing Great Wall Marathon gives runners the opportunity to run a challenging marathon at one of the
world's most iconic historical sites. Unfortunately, organisers have not yet received permission to host a full marathon.
However, there is also a half marathon and a 10K.
JinShanLing Great Wall Marathon Route
Starting and finishing next to the JinShan Tourist Office, runners follow a challenging multi-terriain course.
Approximately one third of the race is on the wall, the remainder being over rocky and dirt trails. With some very
steep sections, it considers itself to be one of the world's most difficult marathons.
JinShanLing Great Wall (Half) Marathon Entry
* Race Entry : US$ 425
* Registration Deadline : 31 March
Contact Details
Contact : Race Director
Website : https://rungreatwall.com