December 2025
Start Time : TBC
Number of Places : TBC
The Okinawa Marathon was first run in 1993. There is also the option of a 10K race.
Okinawa Marathon Route
The race has a varied terrain, starting flat for about 10K before becoming notably more hilly.
The steep downhill slope in the last mile is appreciated by many and allows a strong finish.
Runners start and finish in Okinawa Comprehensive Park. The route follows a single loop course,
passing through various villages, towns, and cities in central Okinawa. Much of the route will be
line with local supporters, many of whom offer water and food to passing runners.
Okinawa Marathon Entry
* Adults : TBC
* Students (Age 16+) : TBC
* Age 65+ : TBC
* Registration Period : TBC
Contact Details
Contact : Okinawa Marathon
Address : 10F Okinawa Times Office, 2-2-2 kumoji, Naha, Okinawa, Japan
Tel. : 900-8678
Website :
Further Information
* Cut-off Time : Runners will be expected to finish within 6:15 hours.