27 February 2026
Start Time : TBC
Number of Places : 45,000
The Tel Aviv Marathon describes itself as a 'party' marathon. Race day events also include half marathon,
10K, 5K and 3K races as well as a kid's Mini Marathon.
Tel Aviv Marathon Route
The route is very flat, offering stunning sea views along the route.
The race starts and ends on the beachfront. As well as the beach promenade there is varied scenery
incorporating city streets and narrow bumpy trails, including the Yarkon river and park HaYarkon.
Tel Aviv Marathon Entry
* Entry Fee : TBC
* Registration Deadline : TBC
Contact Information
Contact : Tel Aviv Marathon
Tel. : +972-73-2100540
Email : marathon@kapaim.co.il
Website : https://www.tlvmarathon.co.il
Further Information
*Cut-off Time : Marathon runners are expected to finish within 5:50 hours.