BigWayRound Marathon

5 May 2025

Start Time : 8.00 a.m.
Number of Places : 150

BigWayRound Marathon

The BigWayRound Marathon is part of the BigWayRound - Winchester Trail Festival, based in and around Winchester, England's old capital city. The BigWayRound is an Award Winning, Gold-rated Trail Running Event, also including 14 mile, 19 mile and 50K races.

BigWayRound Marathon Route
Starting and finishing in the heart of Winchester, runners follow a one lap trail route around the city. Running along the Itchen Navigation, the course ascends past St Catherine's Hill, heading east across the picturesque undulating trails towards Cheesefoot Head. Then there is a succession of 'Big Way' paths; the South Downs Way, Allan King Way, St Swithun's Way and the Itchen Way, continuing through the English countryside, alongside the River Itchen, past Avington Hall and beyond.

BigWayRound Marathon Entry
* Entry Fee : £49
* Registration Deadline : 1 May
* Charity Places : Runners are advised to contact their chosen charity.

Contact Information
Contact : Claire Powell / Chris McNeill
Address : Big Feet Events
Tel. : 07825 446541
Email :
Website :