Start Time : N/A
Number of Places : N/A
The Cape Wrath Challenge Marathon was part of the 6-day Cape Wrath Challenge, consisting of 5 days of running, including a half marathon and 10K.
It is no longer run, but we live in hope that the organisers will change their minds.
Cape Wrath Challenge Marathon Route
Also known as the Campbell Lutyens Marathon, the Cape Wrath Challenge Marathon is extremely challenging, with, at one point, a climb of over 2,415 feet
and is described by some as the toughest Marathon in the UK.
The race is split into 3 legs, including 2 ferry crossings :
* 1 - from Capeside to Lighthouse = 11 miles
* 2 - from Lighthouse to Capeside = 11 miles
* 3 - from Landside to Village Hall = 4.2 miles
Cape Wrath Challenge Marathon Entry
* Individual runners : N/A
* Team Entry : N/A
* Closing Date : N/A
* Charity Places : Runners are advised to contact their chosen charity.
Contact Information
Contact : The Secretary
Address : The Cape Wrath Challenge, Durness Village Hall, Durness, Sutherland, IV27 4QA
Email : info@capewrathchallenge.co.uk
Website : http://www.capewrathchallenge.co.uk