Farnham Pilgrim Marathon

September 2025

Start Time : TBC
Number of Places : TBC

Farnham Pilgrim Marathon is organised by the Rotary Club of Farnham Weyside. It is run in support of Sportability, the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice and other Rotary charities. There is also a Pilgrim Half Marathon.

Farnham Pilgrim Marathon Route
The race follows a single lap, multi-terrain course along ancient footpaths trod by the Pilgrims from Winchester. Starting and finishing at the Sands Recreation Ground, runners then travel up Binton Lane and turn onto the North Downs Way. They then detour through St Laurence Churchyard, and Seale, on towards, Totford Hatch and all the way to Puttenham Village.

At The Good Intent Pub, half marathon runners leave. The marathon continuing along the North Downs Way via Watts Gallery, St Catherine's Lock and onto the summit of Martha's Hill.

From St Martha's, the route heads over to nearby Pewley Down, joining up the Pilgrim's Way road descending to Shalford Park, then cross the River Wey footbridge, to the ruins of St Catherine's Chapel and pick up the North Downs Way, to take runners back to Watts Gallery again.

The return journey then reverses the journey used on the way out, via the scenic North Downs, back to cheering crowds at the Sands Recreation Ground.

Farnham Pilgrim Marathon Entry
* Unaffiliated Runners : TBC
* Affiliated Runners : TBC
* Registration Deadline : TBC

Contact Information
Contact : Lynda Pattie, Race Co-ordinator
Address : Rotary Club of Farnham Weyside
Tel. : 01252 242771
Email : farnhampilgrim@gmail.com
Website : https://www.farnhampilgrim.org.uk