Lucky Horseshoe Marathon

20 September 2025

Start Time : 9.00 a.m.
Number of Places : 300

The Lucky Horseshoe Marathon is part of a seven hour event, offering runners the choice of a 5k, 10k, Half, Full or Ultra.

Lucky Horseshoe Marathon Route
Starting and finishing at the Suffolk Running Centre, runners follow a one lap, out and back, undulating trail course. The route goes through to Newmarket to the Gallops, with a good chance of seeing race horses in training.

Lucky Horseshoe Marathon Entry
* Unaffiliated Runners : £37.50
* UK Affiliated Runners : £35.50
* Registration Deadline : 19 September

Contact Information
Contact : Race Director
Address : Zig Zag Running
Tel. : 07930 913531
Email :
Website :